The Trial

卡夫卡 Franz Kafka
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审判(The Trial)简介:
Kafka's final work was left unfinished at the time of his 1924 death, and the original 1925 and subsequent editions were edited according to the standards of the day. This edition endeavors to restore the text as closely as possible to the original manuscript. According to the publisher, "This translation makes slight changes in the chapter divisions and sequence of chapter fragments." In addition to the text, this volume includes a bibliography and a chronology of the author's life.

The story of The Trial's publication is almost as fascinating as the novel itself. Kafka intended his parable of alienation in a mysterious bureaucracy to be burned, along with the rest of his diaries and manuscripts, after his death in 1924. Yet his friend Max Brod pressed forward to prepare The Trial and the rest of his papers for publication. When the Nazis came to power, publication of Jewish writers such as Kafka was forbidden; Kafka's writings, many of which have distinctively Jewish themes, did not find a broad audience until after World War II. (Hannah Arendt once observed that although "during his lifetime he could not make a decent living, [Kafka] will now keep generations of intellectuals both gainfully employed and well-fed.") Among the current crop of Kafka heirs is Breon Mitchell, the translator of this edition of The Trial. Rather than tidying up Kafka's unconventional grammar and punctuation (as previous translators have done), Mitchell captures the loose, uneasy, even uncomfortable constructions of Kafka's original story. His translation technique is the only way to convey the comedy and confusion of this narrative, in which Josef K., "without having done anything truly wrong," is arrested, tried, convicted and executed--on a charge that is never disclosed to him.  弗兰茨·卡夫卡,奥地利小说家,西方现代派文学大师。他在文学史上第一次深刻而逼真地书写了人的异化、孤独与危机感,以及世界的荒诞与非理性。他性情敏感、怯懦和孤僻,生前默默无闻,去世后作品引起了世界范围的震动,“卡夫卡热”经久不衰,对后世文学产生难以估量的影响。《审判》是卡夫卡最为著名的长篇代表作,书写了西方现代国家机器的残酷和腐朽,以及普通人生存之中无处逃避的荒诞与恐惧,被称为“后世无法逾越,必读不可的小说经典。”


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