Medieval Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy Volume 2

安东尼·肯尼 Anthony Kenny
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中世纪哲学:西方哲学史新讲第二卷(Medieval Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy Volume 2)简介:

Sir Anthony Kenny continues his magisterial new history of Western philosophy with a fascinating guide through more than a millennium of thought from 400 AD onwards, charting the story of philosophy from the founders of Christian and Islamic thought through to the Renaissance.The middle ages saw a great flourishing of philosophy, and the intellectual endeavour of the era reaches its climax in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, with the systems of the great schoolmen such as Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. Specially written for a broad popular readership, but serious and deep enough to offer a genuine understanding of the great philosophers, Kenny's lucid and stimulating history will become the definitive work for anyone interested in the people and ideas that shaped the course of Western thought.


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  • 中世纪哲学:西方哲学史新讲第二卷 Medieval Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy Volume 2

