The Jungle

辛克莱 Upton Sinclair
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屠场(The Jungle)简介:

The Jungle is a 1906 novel written by author and journalist Upton Sinclair. Sinclair wrote this novel to highlight the plight of the working class and to remove from obscurity the corruption of the American meatpacking industry during the early 20th century. The novel depicts in harsh tones the poverty, absence of social programs, unpleasant living and working conditions, and hopelessness prevalent among the working class, which is contrasted with the deeply rooted corruption on the part of those in power. The sad state of turn-of-the-century labor is placed front and center for the American public to see, suggesting that something needed to be changed to get rid of American "wage slavery".[1] The novel is also an important example of the "muckraking" tradition begun by journalists such as Jacob Riis. Upton Sinclair came to Chicago with the intent of writing The Jungle; he had been given a stipend by the socialist newspaper The Appeal to Reason. Upon his arrival in the lobby of the Chicago Transit House, a hotel near the stockyards, he was quoted as saying, "Hello! I'm Upton Sinclair, and I'm here to write the Uncle Tom's Cabin of the Labor Movement!"[2]. He rented living quarters and immediately immersed himself in the city by walking its streets, talking to its people, and taking pictures. One Sunday afternoon, he worked his way into a group of Lithuanian immigrants getting together for a wedding party – "Behold, there was the opening scene of my story, a gift from the gods". He was welcomed to the festivities and stayed until two o'clock in the morning.[3]

The novel was first published in serial form in 1905. "After five rejections", its first edition as a novel was published by Doubleday, Page & Company on February 28, 1906, and it became an immediate bestseller.[1] It has been in print ever since.


《屠场》原名The Jungle,更确切的意思是“丛林”,辛克莱要揭露的远远超出屠场的肮脏,而是这个弱肉强食世界的丛林原则。这是一本社会主义宣传小说,是对资本主义制度下工人被非人化的抗议。杰克·伦敦认为,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》为黑奴所做的,正是《屠场》为今天的工资奴隶所做的。读者可以看到,对屠场污秽环境的描写只占全书很少篇幅,而且主要是从工作条件之恶劣的角度来写的。辛克莱的本意不是揭露食品安全问题,对他来说,资本主义机器对人和人性的强暴要严重得多。这就是为什么他说公众没有领会小说的主要精神,换言之,屠场的肮脏有点喧宾夺主。


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