A Columbus of Space

加勒特·普特曼·塞维斯 Garrett Putman Serviss
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科勒姆的太空(A Columbus of Space)简介:

Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III THE PLANETARY LIMITED BUT Edmund had seen the meteor sooner than I, and as quick as thought he swerved the car, and threw us all off our feet once more. But we should have been thankful if he had broken our heads, since he had saved us from instant destruction. The danger, however, was not yet passed. Scarcely had the immense dumb-bell (which Edmund declared must have been composed of solid iron, so great was its effect on his needles) disappeared, before there came from outside a blaze so fierce that it fairly slapped our lids shut. "A collision!" Edmund exclaimed. "The thing has struck another big meteor, and they are exchanging fiery compliments." He threw himself flat on the floor, and stared out of the peephole. Then he jumped to his feet and gave us another tumble. " They're all about us," he faltered, breathless with exertion; then, having drawn a deep inspiration, he continued: " We're like a boat in a raging freshet,with rocks, tree trunks, and cakes of ice threatening it on all sides. But we'll get out of it. The car obeys its helm as if it appreciated the danger. Why, I got away from that last fellow by setting up atomic reaction against it, as a boatman pushes with his pole." Even in the midst of our terror we could not but admire our leader. His resources seemed boundless, and our confidence in him grew with every escape. While he kept guard at the peepholes we watched for meteors from the windows. We must have come almost within striking distance of a thousand in the course of an hour, but Edmund decided not to diminish our speed, for he said that he could control the car quicker when it was under full headway. So on we rushed, dodging the things like a crow in a flock of pestering jays, and we really enjoyed the excitement. It was...



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