
A History of Wine in America: From Prohibition to the Present
Thomas Pinney托马斯·平尼
In this comprehensive sequel to his History of Wine in America: From the Beginning to Prohibition (1989), Pinney delves into the legislation that has produced, and hampered, the creation of great American wine. It is a story of setbacks, con...
The Art of War: Sun Zi’s Military Methods
Sun Zi孙子
Karl Marx
Allen W. Wood艾伦·W·伍德
Karl Marx explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. This new edition includes a new chapter on exploitation and a substantial new preface....
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Jared Diamond贾德·戴蒙
Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed is the glass-half-empty follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize-winning Guns, Germs, and Steel. While Guns, Germs, and Steel explained the geographic and environmental reasons why som...
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
Jared Diamond贾德·戴蒙
Most of this work deals with non-Europeans, but Diamond's thesis sheds light on why Western civilization became hegemonic: "History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not beca...
Through the Eyes of Leonardo Da Vinci
Barrington Barber巴林顿·巴伯
From the drawing of the stalk of a lily with a head of flowers, to the well-known "The Proportions of the Human Figure," this volume presents several works culled from the hundreds of drawings that flowed from Leonardo da Vinci's pen and bru...
Entrepreneurship and New Value Creation
Alain Fayolle阿兰·法约列
Why do some individuals decide they want to create businesses and then actually do so? Why do others decide against this course of action, even though they appear to have what it takes to succeed? These two questions were among the first tha...
Gear Geometry and Applied Theory
Faydor L. Litvin and Alfonso Fuentes菲道·L·利特温和阿方索·富恩特斯
This revised, expanded edition covers the theory, design, geometry and manufacture of all types of gears and gear drives. An invaluable reference for designers, theoreticians, students, and manufacturers, the second edition includes advances...
Revealing Art
Matthew Kieran马修·基兰
Why does art matter to us, and what makes good art? Why is the role of imagination so important in art? Illustrated with carefully chosen color and black-and-white plates of examples from Michelangelo to Matisse and Poussin to Jackson Polloc...
An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy
Anthony Kenny安东尼·肯尼
This illustrated edition of Sir Anthony Kenny's acclaimed survey of Western philosophy offers the most concise and compelling story of the complete development of philosophy available. Spanning 2,500 years of thought, An Illustrated Brief Hi...
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