
Expert Resumes For Career Changers
Wendy S. Enelow and Louise Kursmark温迪·S·恩尼罗和路易丝·科斯马克
Millions of people have been forced (or are choosing) to change jobs or industries in order to stay employed. The seventh title in the highly successful Expert Resumes series is a collection of resumes aimed at people who are transitioning f...
Cover Letter Magic
Wendy S. Enelow and Louise Kursmark温迪·S·恩尼罗和路易丝·科斯马克
This new second edition includes more than 150 winning cover letters for every profession and situation. Readers get great tips from before and after transformations that turn boring letters into knockouts. Plus, there are tips on resumes, e...
Everyone’s Money Book
Jordan E. Goodman约旦·E·古德曼
This massive effort to provide every bit of financial information of possible use to all is a daring concept. The authors promise guidance here for each stage of life from age 20 to 70. Admirably clear and complete explanations of stocks, bo...
The Resume Writer’s Workbook
Stanley Krantman斯坦利·克兰特曼
This comprehensive book is an all-inclusive job search handbook addressing all areas of the job search in an easy-to-read style. This resource is designed to lead users step-by-step through the job search maze. It includes exercises to help...
How to Be Happy at Work: A Practical Guide to Career Satisfaction
Arlene S. Hirsch阿琳·S·赫希
Whether you are choosing your first career, rethinking the choices you made years before, or deciding how to spend pre- and post-retirement years, the right choices can make all the difference. Includes helpful real-life stories....
How to Sell Yourself
Arch Lustberg阿克·卢斯伯格
How many people do you know who have a knack for connecting with others? Very few of us are born with it. The rest of us need to learn it. This book explains in clear, simple, easy-to-understand, common sense terms the skills you need to dev...
Say It Right the First Time
Loretta Malandro罗莉塔·玛兰多
Get what you want at work the first time and every time Being a business professional is all about managing, motivating, and leading, or, in other words, getting people to do what you want. And, far and away, the most important tool for acco...
You Were Born Rich
Bob Proctor鲍勃·普罗克特
Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup For the Soul, the master storyteller; Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes to systematizing l...
The Law of Success
Napoleon Hill拿破仑·希尔
This is the master volume of the extraordinary work that began the career of Napoleon Hill. Originally produced by Hill in 1928 as an eight-book series, The Law of Success is now available to contemporary readers in a single edition, redesig...
The Ultimate Goals Program
Brian Tracy布赖恩·特雷西
Your ability to set and achieve goals will determine your success and happiness more than any other skill. The starting point of great success is when you sit down and decide exactly what you really want, in every area of your life. Success...
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