Encyclopedia of World Scientists Revised Edition

世界知名科学家百科全书 修订版
伊丽莎白·H·奥克斯 Elizabeth H. Oakes
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世界知名科学家百科全书 修订版(Encyclopedia of World Scientists Revised Edition)简介:

Nearly 500 scientists are profiled in this encyclopedia. Most of them are names we expect: Audubon, Curie, Hippocrates, Linneaus, Mobius, Newton, Nobel. However, the editor states in her introduction that she made an effort to include "well over 200 women and minority scientists who have often been excluded from books such as this." Some entries were adapted from A to Z of Women in Science and Math (Facts On File, 1999).

Entries are in alphabetical order. Below the name are the usual dates, the nationality, and the discipline(s) in which the scientist is best known. The entries are generally between seven and ten paragraphs in length and supply information about parents, education, and work history and a brief explanation of the person's scientific contributions. References to other scientists who also have entries in the book appear in capital letters. About half the entries include a portrait or illustration. There are several indexes: "Entries by Field," "Entries by Country of Major Scientific Activity," and "Entries by Year of Birth," as well as a general index. A helpful 10-page chronology helps the researcher see which scientists were at work during the same period of history.

The price makes this an affordable choice for most school and public libraries, but other, larger sets, such as Marshall Cavendish's Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists (1998) or The Grolier Library of Science Biographies (1997), are better choices for the type of information teachers want students to find. Many of the scientists profiled here can also be found in The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science [RBB D 1 00] and Gale's Notable Twentieth-Century Scientists (1995) and Notable Twentieth-Century Scientists Supplement (1998). A library may want to add Encyclopedia of World Scientists for its convenient one-volume format. REVWR



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  • 世界知名科学家百科全书 修订版 Encyclopedia of World Scientists Revised Edition

