Organic Chemistry Forth Edition

有机化学 第4版
保拉·俞坎尼斯·布鲁斯 Paula Yurkanis Bruice
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有机化学 第4版(Organic Chemistry Forth Edition)简介:

This innovative text organizes functional groups around mechanistic similarities emphasizing what functional groups do rather than how they are made. The strategy of tying together the reactivity of a functional group and the synthesis of compounds resulting from its reactivity prevents students from having to memorize lists of unrelated reactions. This organization allows a great deal of material to be understood in light of unifying principles of reactivity.

Bruice balances coverage of traditional topics with bioorganic chemistry to show how organic chemistry is related to biological systems and to our daily lives. The Sixth Edition has been revised and streamlined throughout to enhance clarity and accessibility, and adds a wealth of new problems and problem-solving strategies.



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  • 有机化学 第4版 Organic Chemistry Forth Edition

