地球编年史 The Earth Chronicles

撒迦利亚·西琴(Zecharia Sitchin)是一位在国际上备受尊敬的作家和研究者,从1976年起,他陆续出版了一部在全球范围内影起巨大反响的系列作品《地球编年史》。这套多达7册的开创性的大书迄今为止已被译为20几种语言出版,印刷近2000万册。


7册编年史从45万年以前由太阳系中的第12个天体尼比鲁(Nibiru)──亦即被美国航天局(NASA)在1982年发现并命名为第十大行星(Planet X)的神秘天体──上降临地球的外星高智能生物阿努那奇(Anunnaki)对地球的统治开始,中间经历了人类的崛起以及大洪水的灾难,到公元前2023年近东地区苏美尔人的覆灭为止,重构了人类起源与发展的全部历程。作者的观点新颖而极富冲击力,使该系列图书的影响力持继30余年,至今不衰。





《第十二个天体:地球编年史第一部》The 12th Planet (The Earth Chronicles, Book 1)
《第十二个天体:地球编年史第一部》The 12th Planet (The Earth Chronicles, Book 1)
《宇宙密码:地球编年史第六部》The Cosmic Code (The Earth Chronicles, Book 6)
《宇宙密码:地球编年史第六部》The Cosmic Code (The Earth Chronicles, Book 6)
One of the charms of Zecharia Sitchin is his tendency to take ancient writings as fact as opposed to myth. For example, according to clay tablets discovered by archeologists, Gilgamesh, a king of ancient Sumeria, was punished by the gods fo
《失落的国度:地球编年史第四部》The Lost Realms (The Earth Chronicles, Book 4)
《失落的国度:地球编年史第四部》The Lost Realms (The Earth Chronicles, Book 4)
In the sixteenth century, Spanish conquerors came to the New World in search of El Dorado, the fabled city of gold. Instead, they encountered inexplicable phenomena that have puzzled scholars and historians ever since: massive stone edifice
《完结日:地球编年史第七部》The End of Days (The Earth Chronicles, Book 7)
《完结日:地球编年史第七部》The End of Days (The Earth Chronicles, Book 7)
Lots of people have been waiting for this book for a long time. Thirty years ago, Sitchin began writing the Earth Chronicle series, which posits the theory (supposedly recorded in Sumerian myth) that extraterrestrials, the Aununnaki, arrive
《通往天国的阶梯:地球编年史第二部》The Stairway to Heaven (The Earth Chronicles, Book 2)
《通往天国的阶梯:地球编年史第二部》The Stairway to Heaven (The Earth Chronicles, Book 2)
《众神与人类的战争:地球编年史第三部》The Wars of Gods and Men (The Earth Chronicles, Book 3)
《众神与人类的战争:地球编年史第三部》The Wars of Gods and Men (The Earth Chronicles, Book 3)
The Wars of Gods and Men, recounting events closer to our times, concludes that the Sinai spaceport was destroyed 4,000 years ago with nuclear weapons. Photographs of Earth from space clearly show evidence of such an explosion. Such gratify
《当时间开始:地球编年史第五部》When Time Began (The Earth Chronicles, Book 5)
《当时间开始:地球编年史第五部》When Time Began (The Earth Chronicles, Book 5)
They came to Earth thousands of years ago to usher in mankind's first New Age of scientific growth and spiritual enlightenment. Under the guidance of these ancient visitors from the heavens, human civilisation flourished - as revolutionary

