Rules of the Game

尼尔·史特劳斯 Neil Strauss
把妹达人2:游戏规则(Rules of the Game)简介:
Are you just another AFC ("average frustrated chump") trying to meet an HB ("hot babe")? How would you like to "full-close" with a Penthouse Pet of the Year? The answers, my friend, are in Neil Strauss's entertaining book The Game. Strauss was a self-described chick repellant--complete with large, bumpy nose, small, beady eyes, glasses, balding head, and, worst of all, painful shyness around women. He felt like "half a man." That is, until a book editor asked him to investigate the community of pickup artists. Strauss's life was transformed. He spent two years bedding some fine chiquitas and studying with some of the North America's most suave gents--including the best of them all, the God of the pickup "community," a man named Mystery.
Mystery is an aspiring Toronto magician who charges $2,250 for a weekend pickup workshop. He is not much to look at: a cross between a vampire and a computer geek. But by using high-powered marketing techniques he's turned seduction into an effortless craft--even inventing his own vocabulary. His technique sounds like a car salesman's tip sheet: his main rule is FMAC--find, meet, attract, close. He employs the "three-second rule"--always approach a woman within three seconds of first seeing her in order to avoid getting shy. Other tricks: Intrigue a beautiful woman by pretending to be unaffected by her charm; also, never hit on a woman right away. Start with a disarming, innocent remark, like "Do you think magic spells work?" or "Oh my god, did you see those two girls fighting outside?" And finally, the most important characteristic of the pickup artist--smile.

After two years, Strauss ends up becoming almost as successful as Mystery, but he comes to an important realization. His techniques were actually off-putting to the woman he ended up falling in love with. And they never prepared him for actually having a relationship. After a while, he ran out of one-liners and had to have a real conversation. Still, The Game is a great read that may help some AFCs come out of their shells.  想玩游戏,就要先掌握游戏规则!




  【PART 1】型男生活:30天改造计划(The Stylelife Challenge:Master the Game in 30 Days)




  这一次,把妹故事不是由作者来写,而是由你担纲主演。 尼尔‧史特劳斯将历经四年的把妹经验,浓缩为30天的改造计划,帮助了成千上万不 得其门而入的兄弟们约会成功。不只让他们搞定女人,也搞定了人生!

  【PART 2】型男告白日记(The Style Diaries:The Pickup Artist's Companion)




  这里的11个故事都真的,尼尔在《把妹达人》没讲的、不敢讲的,都在这里一一告白。与《把妹达人》不同的是,这些故事的重点不在把妹 ,而是欲望的本质,作者透过日记,自我探讨一个甚至连把妹大师都无法回答的问题:爽到之后,要如何面对接踵而至的问题? 



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  • 把妹达人2:游戏规则 Rules of the Game

