The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning Italian Second Edition

完全傻瓜指南之意大利语学习 第2版
加布里埃尔·尤维诺 Gabrielle Euvino
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完全傻瓜指南之意大利语学习 第2版(The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning Italian Second Edition)简介:
Crack of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Italian, 2E and you'll not only know what that says, but la bella lingua will be tripping off your tongue in no time. This book is the one-stop resource for getting a handle on this beautiful language -- whether you have always wanted to be able to communicate in the native language of your favorite Italian ancestors, to chat with the host at your favorite Italian ristorante, or if you are traveling to Italy for pleasure or business.

The second edition will include:
-- A new and improved Italian-English glossary, with even more words that before.
-- More practical exercises to help reinforce the lessons learned.
-- Brand-new, easier to read tables.
-- A new, quick-reference phrase appendix to help travelers find commonly used phrases easily when they're communicating with Italian speakers.
-- A new sidebar on dialect. One of the most difficult things you will encounter when travelling in Italy is the difference in dialect from one regionto another. This sidebar will help readers to learn, along with the traditional lessons, what they can expect to hear in certain regions of the country to further help their comprehension of the language.



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  • 完全傻瓜指南之意大利语学习 第2版 The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning Italian Second Edition

