
Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action
Kim Turnbull James金·詹姆斯·特恩布尔
Taking its theme from the fifth annual Studying Leadership conference held at Cranfield School of Management, this workoffers new formulations of the concept of leadership.Making a clear link between research and practice,it explores how ne...
Business Statistics Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide
Steven Kemp史蒂芬·肯普
YOU CAN COUNT ON BUSINESS STATISTICS DEMYSTIFIED! If I had Business Statistics Demystified in school, I would have passed business statistics the first time, instead of having to retake the course twice. I find Business Statistics Demystifi...
HR Magazine Guide to Managing People
Society for Human Resource Management人力资源管理协会
For 50 years, HR professionals have relied on HR Magazine to provide perceptive, in-depth information on how to manage their organizations most valuable resourcepeople. Now, the best management selections from HR Magazine have been collecte...
The Toyota Way
Jeffrey Liker杰弗里·利凯尔
1.现代经理人与领导人的最佳经营管理读本:从企业文化到营运实务,提供企业提升质量和效率的精实思维与经营管理之道。 2.各行各业的从业人员,以及一般读者提升工作效能和职场竞...
Toyota Kata
Mike Rother迈克·罗瑟
How any organization in any industry can progress from old-fashioned management by results to a strikingly different and better way. --James P. Womack, Chairman and Founder, Lean Enterprise Institute This game-changing book puts you behind...
Organizational Behavior and Leadership Management Essentials
Ivanka Menken伊万卡·曼肯
Organizations today must achieve excellence in human relations, and that success starts with quality organizational behavior. This book covers organizational behavioral essentials, the individual and the organization, and key management tas...
Holistic Management: Managing What Matters for Company Success
William F. Christopher威廉·F·克里斯托弗
This book presents two recently developed knowledge areas that can significantly improve the management and the performance of business enterprise: System Science and Cybernetics and Key Performance Areas. Included in this book are advanced...
Applied Organizational Communication
Thomas E. Harris & Mark D. Nelson托马斯·哈里斯和马克·D·纳尔逊
Applied Organizational Communication provides a current, in-depth analysis of the theories and practices critical to understanding organizational communication concepts in a global environment. Exploring the diverse communication challenges...
Keeping Better Company: Corporate Governance Ten Years On
Jonathan Charkham乔纳森·查克曼
International comparisons of business usually focus on management theory, labor practices, cultural differences, work force composition, etc. Overlooked is how corporations are actually governed: that is, the role played by boards of directo...
Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for Managers
Kazuo Ichijo & Ikujiro Nonaka一男一乘和野中郁次郎
This book presents the latest management ideas in knowledge creation and management in readable and non-technical chapters. Leading experts have contributed chapters in their fields of expertise. Each distils his or her subject in a chapter...
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